black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Ремонти на бани

Специализирани услуги за обновяване на вашата баня.

Демонтаж на елементи

Професионално премахване на стари инсталации.

Полагане на плочки с внимание към детайлите.

Индивидуални решения за вашата баня.

Монтаж на санитария
Модерни душ кабини

Ремонт на баня в София – Качествено изпълнение с гаранция!

Ако търсите професионални услуги за ремонт на баня в София, сте на правилното място! Ние предлагаме цялостни решения, които обхващат всяка стъпка от процеса – от проектирането до финалните детайли. С доказан опит и висок стандарт на работа, гарантираме качество, което ще удовлетвори и най-взискателните клиенти.

a bathroom with a large bathtub next to a window
a bathroom with a large bathtub next to a window

Какво включват нашите услуги за ремонт на баня?

Предлагаме пълен набор от услуги за ремонт на баня, за да превърнем вашето помещение в модерно и функционално пространство. Нашите основни дейности включват:

✅ Подмяна на водопровод – обновяване на ВиК инсталации за по-добра ефективност и надеждност.
✅ Изграждане на куфари от гипскартон – скриване на тръби и осигуряване на естетичен вид.
✅ Монтаж на структура за вграждане – елегантни и практични решения за тоалетни чинии.
✅ Направа на таван от гипсокартон или PVC ламперия – устойчиви и стилни тавани, подходящи за влажни помещения.
✅ Монтаж на аксесоари за баня – перфектно позициониране на огледала, закачалки, полици и други.
✅ Поставяне на фаянс, теракот и гранитогрес – професионално полагане с прецизност до най-малкия детайл.
✅ Монтаж на моноблокове – ефективни и лесни за поддръжка тоалетни системи.
✅ Цялостна изработка по ваш проект – индивидуални решения, съобразени с вашия вкус и изисквания.

Защо да изберете нас за ремонта на вашата баня?

Изборът на опитен и квалифициран екип е ключов за успешния ремонт на банята. Ние предлагаме множество предимства, които ни отличават:

  • Дългогодишен опит – С многобройни успешно реализирани проекти, нашият екип има знанията и уменията да се справи с всяко предизвикателство.

  • Персонализирани решения – Работим по ваш проект, за да гарантираме, че крайният резултат ще отговори напълно на вашите нужди и желания.

  • Бързина и коректност – Реагираме незабавно и работим експресно, без да компрометираме качеството.

  • Договор и гаранция – Всички наши услуги са придружени с договор и гаранция за спокойствие и сигурност.

  • Висококачествени материали – Използваме само надеждни и устойчиви материали, които гарантират дълготрайност.

Защо ремонтът на банята е важен?

Банята е едно от най-използваните помещения във вашия дом, затова нейната функционалност и естетика са от ключово значение. С качествен ремонт можете да постигнете:

  1. Модерен и стилен вид, който отговаря на вашия вкус.

  2. Повишена енергийна ефективност и икономия на вода.

  3. Удобство и комфорт за вас и вашето семейство.

  4. Повишаване на стойността на имота.

Ремонт на баня в София – професионализъм и индивидуален подход

Ние се стремим да предложим най-доброто на нашите клиенти. Всеки проект започва с внимателна оценка на вашите нужди и очаквания. Целта ни е не просто да завършим ремонта, а да създадем баня, която ще отговаря на вашите изисквания за удобство, стил и практичност.

Свържете се с нас, за да обсъдим вашите идеи и да получите безплатна консултация. Ние ще изготвим персонализирана оферта, съобразена с вашите изисквания и бюджет. Изберете професионализма за вашия ремонт на баня в София – доверете се на нас!

Как да заявите ремонт на баня?

За нас

Специализирани в ремонти и модернизации на бани с внимание към детайлите и индивидуален подход към клиента.

A partially renovated bathroom wall with unfinished surfaces. One section features blue and white geometric tiles, while another section showcases large, grey tiles held in place by orange spacers. There is a window to the left providing natural light.
A partially renovated bathroom wall with unfinished surfaces. One section features blue and white geometric tiles, while another section showcases large, grey tiles held in place by orange spacers. There is a window to the left providing natural light.
A modern bathroom showroom featuring a toilet, a glass shower enclosure, and dark tile flooring. The walls incorporate built-in cabinetry with minimalist designs. A wicker basket and some packaged products are visible under a counter.
A modern bathroom showroom featuring a toilet, a glass shower enclosure, and dark tile flooring. The walls incorporate built-in cabinetry with minimalist designs. A wicker basket and some packaged products are visible under a counter.

Ремонт на баня

Предлагаме професионални услуги за ремонт и обновяване на вашата баня с внимание към детайлите.

Демонтаж на елементи

Премахваме стари елементи и подготвяме пространството за нови инсталации и обновления.

A modern bathroom with dark tiles and minimalistic design. The vanity area features a circular mirror with backlighting, a sleek black countertop with a white sink, and a brass faucet. A vase with decorative dried plants is placed on the counter alongside folded towels. Wall sconces provide additional lighting, and a neatly hung towel adds a touch of warmth to the space. The room also includes a bidet and toilet, both in dark tones.
A modern bathroom with dark tiles and minimalistic design. The vanity area features a circular mirror with backlighting, a sleek black countertop with a white sink, and a brass faucet. A vase with decorative dried plants is placed on the counter alongside folded towels. Wall sconces provide additional lighting, and a neatly hung towel adds a touch of warmth to the space. The room also includes a bidet and toilet, both in dark tones.
Полагане на плочки

Извършваме качествено полагане на плочки, за да осигурим стил и дълготрайност на вашата баня.

Предлагаме индивидуални решения за вашата баня, съобразени с вашите нужди и бюджет.

Персонализирани решения
A modern bathroom featuring wooden herringbone-patterned flooring and walls. A sleek glass shower enclosure with black fixtures sits next to a wall-mounted toilet. Minimalistic white cabinets offer storage. The room is well-lit with recessed ceiling lights.
A modern bathroom featuring wooden herringbone-patterned flooring and walls. A sleek glass shower enclosure with black fixtures sits next to a wall-mounted toilet. Minimalistic white cabinets offer storage. The room is well-lit with recessed ceiling lights.
A modern bathroom with geometric patterned tiles on the shower wall, a marble countertop sink, and elegant lighting. Shelves with toiletries and a small plant add a touch of decor, and the overall design features sleek lines and neutral colors.
A modern bathroom with geometric patterned tiles on the shower wall, a marble countertop sink, and elegant lighting. Shelves with toiletries and a small plant add a touch of decor, and the overall design features sleek lines and neutral colors.


A bathroom with a unique industrial design features exposed piping and cylindrical lights on the ceiling. The ceiling displays a large fish illustration with labeled parts. The walls are covered with white herringbone tiles, and there are three circular mirrors above a long concrete sink with modern faucets.
A bathroom with a unique industrial design features exposed piping and cylindrical lights on the ceiling. The ceiling displays a large fish illustration with labeled parts. The walls are covered with white herringbone tiles, and there are three circular mirrors above a long concrete sink with modern faucets.
A minimalist bathroom features a sleek, modern design with a large white bathtub and a floating vanity with a smooth surface. Above the vanity, a set of mirrored cabinets extends across the wall, reflecting the light from recessed ceiling fixtures. The walls and floor are covered in light gray stone tiles, creating a cohesive and calming color scheme. The ambiance is enhanced by soft ambient lighting and a small diffuser on the vanity.
A minimalist bathroom features a sleek, modern design with a large white bathtub and a floating vanity with a smooth surface. Above the vanity, a set of mirrored cabinets extends across the wall, reflecting the light from recessed ceiling fixtures. The walls and floor are covered in light gray stone tiles, creating a cohesive and calming color scheme. The ambiance is enhanced by soft ambient lighting and a small diffuser on the vanity.
A modern bathroom with a sleek and minimalist design. It features a bold red sink mounted onto the wall below a large mirror that has a backlight. The wall next to the sink is decorated with various rectangular metal frame pieces of different sizes. There is a shelf below the sink holding rolled white towels. The room has a subtle and elegant lighting with a notable red accent light on the ceiling extending through the hallway. The floor is covered in light-colored tiles and the overall space has a contemporary and artistic feel with smooth surfaces and clean lines.
A modern bathroom with a sleek and minimalist design. It features a bold red sink mounted onto the wall below a large mirror that has a backlight. The wall next to the sink is decorated with various rectangular metal frame pieces of different sizes. There is a shelf below the sink holding rolled white towels. The room has a subtle and elegant lighting with a notable red accent light on the ceiling extending through the hallway. The floor is covered in light-colored tiles and the overall space has a contemporary and artistic feel with smooth surfaces and clean lines.
A modern bathroom with a minimalist design featuring a large bathtub, a shower area with a robe hanging nearby, and a toilet. The room has a sleek, reflective black floor and tall windows allowing natural light. A vanity with a sink, mirror, and small plant can also be seen.
A modern bathroom with a minimalist design featuring a large bathtub, a shower area with a robe hanging nearby, and a toilet. The room has a sleek, reflective black floor and tall windows allowing natural light. A vanity with a sink, mirror, and small plant can also be seen.
A modern bathroom with minimalist design features a white sink on a countertop with a mirror above. The walls are tiled in a neutral beige color. A small shelf holds toiletries, and a stool sits beneath the sink. The bathroom is viewed through an arched doorway.
A modern bathroom with minimalist design features a white sink on a countertop with a mirror above. The walls are tiled in a neutral beige color. A small shelf holds toiletries, and a stool sits beneath the sink. The bathroom is viewed through an arched doorway.
A modern bathroom with a minimalist design, featuring a freestanding bathtub, a large white pedestal sink, and a toilet. The room has light beige tiles and a glass-walled shower area. A towel radiator is mounted on the wall, and a digital scale is placed on the floor. The window allows natural light to enter, illuminating the space.
A modern bathroom with a minimalist design, featuring a freestanding bathtub, a large white pedestal sink, and a toilet. The room has light beige tiles and a glass-walled shower area. A towel radiator is mounted on the wall, and a digital scale is placed on the floor. The window allows natural light to enter, illuminating the space.

Вдъхновяващи примери за обновяване на бани и интериор.

Изключително доволен съм от ремонта на банята! Качеството е на високо ниво и екипът е професионален.

Иван П.

A modern bathroom features a sleek design with large floor-to-ceiling windows allowing plenty of natural light. The space includes two white vessel sinks with black fixtures on a wooden floating vanity. The walls and floors are designed with a blend of white marble patterns and dark tiles. A small, round wooden table is placed next to a bathtub adorned with potted plants and toiletries.
A modern bathroom features a sleek design with large floor-to-ceiling windows allowing plenty of natural light. The space includes two white vessel sinks with black fixtures on a wooden floating vanity. The walls and floors are designed with a blend of white marble patterns and dark tiles. A small, round wooden table is placed next to a bathtub adorned with potted plants and toiletries.
A modern bathroom interior featuring a shower area with intricately patterned tiles in earthy tones. The showerhead and fittings are matte black, adding a contemporary flair. Adjacent to the shower is a vanity with a mirrored section, a sink, and small toiletries placed on the counter. Soft ambient lighting adds a cozy atmosphere to the space.
A modern bathroom interior featuring a shower area with intricately patterned tiles in earthy tones. The showerhead and fittings are matte black, adding a contemporary flair. Adjacent to the shower is a vanity with a mirrored section, a sink, and small toiletries placed on the counter. Soft ambient lighting adds a cozy atmosphere to the space.
